I've had many blogs about books and fiction and just about random things before and I am definitely amazed with myself for not giving up and for always trying to start over and over again after a few months and years of frustrations with my former spaces. It's always just so hard to keep away from writing and jotting down feelings and thoughts about random things that I can't help to not blog properly.
So here I am, from my former blog Stories and Misadventures, I decided to move here. I want to start from scratch, not like that last one. Some of my posts on that former blog came from another imported one from tumblr. But this time, I want to start clean. I want to be more organized, more proper, and more consistent.
In this new blog, despite the newness and the blankness of the content of this space, I want to still write about books and movies. But with more precise objectives: I want to write about my thoughts, my commentaries, about books and movies and other things, however in bits that would make it easier for other readers to know what I feel and think about a piece of literature. Instead of long and detailed bunches of posts, I want to write in bits. I know that long book reviews are still very helpful but I want to make quick ones that would still give justice to the book, save time for other readers looking for opinions and suggestions about books, movies, and other random things-- travel, music, food, experiences and anything and everything else-- beyond the skies and the stars.
You ready? I am. :)